Single ought to have a choice too. 單身也該有選擇。

14/02/18 :- Single ought to have a choice too. 單身也該有選擇。 It's the day of the year once more... Ivan's target of getting married has been shifted from 30 to 35. In a blink of an eye... I am turning 35 this year. Friends around me started asking and even "push" me to take whoever happens to come into my life. Same goes for other single friends of me receiving the same treatment from their friends as well. As much as we appreciate your sweet and kind thoughts, please note that we are happy you found the one and has someone to spend today with. HOWEVER, JUST BECAUSE WE ARE STILL SINGLE, IT DEFINITELY DOESN'T MEAN WE OUGHT TO SIMPLY TAKE WHOEVER COMES ALONG, WE OUGHT TO HAVE A CHOICE TO CHOOSE RIGHT? We would rather wait (in your eyes, wasting time) for the right one than having to mend our broken hearts over the wrong ones. So, while you are busy searching for ideas on the most romantic and worthwhile dinner dates, allow us to enjoy peaceful sin...