Only seek advice from people you want to trade places with! 只向你想交換位置的人尋求建議!

30/10/17 :- Only seek advice from people you want to trade places with! 只向你想交換位置的人尋求建議! How many times have we seek different kind of advice from people? Be honest, at least once in our lives, don't we? Be it studies, love, career, life, you name it. However, have we ever stopped to wonder, why are we seeking advice from the people we were seeking advice from? Because we have a close relationship with them? They were the only ones available at the time we needed advice? Or are they already at the position where we want to be at in the area you are seeking advice for? Think about this, if you want to score an A in Maths, would you ask a person who never even got a pass? If you want to go after a girl you have interest in, would you seek advice from someone who has never entered a relationship? If you needed advice on running your own business, why would you seek advice from a friend who has been a working employee his whole life? If you want to seek ...