Eyesight VS Foresight! 視力與視野!

I've been waiting for it for the longest time! After Tortor evolved into a butterfly and flew off, I've been looking foward to another caterpillar on our plant everyday! So, this morning, when Mum shouted, "The caterpillar is eating up my plant again!", I was so excited and ran out to look at my new pet and my sister, Qiqi commented, "Who waits for caterpillar and keep as pet?" Well, my answer was, "I didn't see a caterpillar, I saw a butterfly!" That makes me thought of what my super idol leader shared over the weekend. Most of us have eyesight, but not all of us have foresight. When something is presented before your eyes, do you see it in the state it presents itself or you can see what comes after that or where this is bringing you? You possess eyesight, but do you have foresight? 我等你等了好久! 自從陀陀化為花蝴蝶飛走後,我每天都盼望我們家的盆栽會出現下一隻毛毛蟲! 所以,今天早上當媽媽嚷嚷著,"毛毛蟲快把我的葉子吃完了!”,我興奮地衝出去迎接我的新寵物。 我妹妹,琪琪開口問,“誰會等待毛毛蟲把它當作寵物?” 我的回...