
Showing posts from February, 2017

Success is all about TEAMWORK! 成功的關鍵就在團隊合作!

26/02/17 :- Success is all about TEAMWORK! 成功的關鍵就在團隊合作! I'm not supposed to be dragon boating, because my bazi says I should avoid water. I am an introvert, I'm not into sales and probably won't do well in it, so I should not be in MA. Well, but to change, you have to step out of your comfort zone. Push through the challenges and obstacles, you would emerge a better person! Through the dragon boat training, I've seen many similarities with MA. Being in the sport, all the team members are in the same boat with one goal in mind. So is being in MA, we are one team, one dream. In dragon boat, there's only one correct way to paddle and all we have to do is to master that one way. Then rowing would be a breeze and you don't feel so shagged after the race. However, it takes time to master that ONE way. Just like in MA, there's only one way to do this business and that is the MA's way. If we are able to understand the wh...

一件事物,多重含意。One thing, multiple meanings.

12/02/17 :- 一件事物,多重含意。 One thing, multiple meanings. 對於你自己肉眼看見的事物,你能夠多確定自己了解背後的含意? 你又怎麼知道你所見到的真的是對方想表達的? 左邊的圖畫,一個簡單的手勢就可以代表數字 - 2,勝利,和平,甚至更多。 那麼右邊的圖畫呢? 人為甚麼會流淚? 看見並抱著自己的新生兒感動地落淚? 對一個人生氣到極點留下的淚? 或是流淚是因為難過? 既然,一件眼睛看見的事物能夠表達那麼多,我們如何盡量確保自己是對的? 你至少能夠做的就是問對方。 至於他們是否會對你說真話,並不是你能夠決定的。 但你至少嘗試過。 How sure are you to know the meaning of what you have seen with your eyes? What makes you think what you see is what the sender is trying to convey? In the picture, on the left, the simple sign can signifies number 2, victory, peace, and perhaps many more. How about the picture on the right? When do one tear? Tears of touch at the birth of your child and holding it in your arms? Angry tears when you were so mad at somebody? You got so upset to the point of tearing? Since there can be multiple meaning to the same thing we see, how can we make the effort to be 100% sure what is it? All you can at least do on your part is to ask the sender. Wheth...