The Tenants Downstairs - 樓下的房客

I have been Giddens Ko's fan for the longest time. Thus, when my friend, Taron strongly suggest that this movie is worth watching, I headed straight to Lido and bought a ticket after our dinner. I'm glad I make the decision to go ahead and watch this movie. This is truly a thought provoking movie. As expected, there was a twist to the story. Throughout the movie, the story line keeps you engaged. In your mind, you probably try to link and anticipate the next scene. Are we where we are because this is where we belong or we are blocked by our own deadlock? What is holding you back? Society? Fear? Self-doubt? Sometimes, you need to force yourself a little more, give yourself a little push. Of course, we do not need to do the extreme stuff as shown in the movie. This show is rated R21, contain sexual, homosexual and violence content. Thus it is not suitable for conservative and timid audience. 我早已是九把刀的書迷。 所以當朋友 - 達人強力推薦此片時,我馬上赴完約後就到電影院買了張戲票...