
Showing posts from May, 2016

SAHM VS SAHP - Why choose one? 全職母親與全職雙親 - 為何就只能二選一?

We didn't have a lot of family photos together, not to mention a photo of only Dad and me. So, this photo just have to be re-used every time I blog about Dad. 我們沒有太多的全家福,更不用說我與父親的合照。 所以每當要提到父親時,就只能用這張照片。 15/05/16 :- SAHM VS SAHP - Why choose one? 全職母親與全職雙親 - 為何就只能二選一? (SAHM -Stay At Home Mum, SAHP - Stay At Home Parents) I've been wanting to blog about this for the longest time. Today seems to be a perfect day. Because, today is Papa's birthday. My Mum has been a SAHM for our earlier childhood lives. It was nice having her around at home. However, as we grow up, expenses increases but not Dad's salary. Mum has no choice but to re-enter the workforce. My relationship with Dad was not a pleasant one. He was a strict father and very obsessive. Not just towards Mum but us too. Due to the lack of security, he likes to ransack our stuff as well. Though I  may not be sure if he had been a SAHD or a SAHP, would things be better. However, from his ...

Happy Mothers' Day! 母親節快樂!

09/05/16 :- Mums who have lost their Mums need more love! 失去了母親的母親需要多一點愛! While we have the luxury to go home and whine to our Mums when we needed an outlet or just a comfy hug, who can they turn to when they needed someone? They have to be strong for us and appear strong on their own because they have lost one of their pillar in life. On this special day (of course on other days as well), I hope you would shower more love to them. At the same time, I know there are friends around me who have lost their Mums. My dear friends, look up to the sky. Why? A senior once told me, whenever you missed someone who have gone to heaven, look up to the sky, they are there watching over us. All you need is to feel them with your heart. 我們需要發洩或一個溫暖的抱抱,都可以跑回家找媽媽。 但是,母親呢? 她們需要一個人時,可以找誰? 為了我們,她們必須堅強。 也因為她們失去了人生其中一個柱子,外表需要故作堅強。 在這特別的一天 (當然別天也一樣),希望大家給予母親多一點愛。 同時,我知道周遭也有些朋友已失去了他們的母親。 朋友,抬頭看著天。 為甚麼? 因為,曾經有個學長告訴過我,每當你想念已移居天堂的人時,抬頭望著天,他們會在天上守護著我們。 你只需要用心地去感應。

Sometimes, you just need to hold onto that belief! 有時,你真的只需要持續相信!

02/05/16 :- Sometimes, you just need to hold onto that belief! 有時,你需要的就是持續相信! The law of attraction proves itself on the 8th day! I've given it a 3 days challenge. 3 days, 72 hours, 4,320 mins has passed. I was super disappointed when the message didn't came in before 2215 hours on Wednesday, 27th Apr 16. However, I didn't give up holding onto that thought that the message would come in. Imagine the joy which I could not contain when I received the message. =) Give universe time, place your order, imagine yourself receiving it and it would definitely come true. 吸引力法則在第八天實現了! 之前,我給了它3天的時限。 3天,72小時,4,320分鐘就這樣過去了。 在星期三,4月27日的 2215 小時,簡訊沒有來到,可想而知我有多失望。 但是,我沒有放棄繼續以念力想著簡訊終究會進來。 收到簡訊的那剎那,你是否想像得到我的喜悅?=) 給予宇宙時間,下訂單,想像自己接收到,它一定會實現!