Challenging the Law of Attraction! 挑戰吸引力法則!

23/04/16 :- Challenging the Law of Attraction in 72hours! 挑戰吸引力法則 72小時! You said, "if u like to draw u should draw more". Most of the words you said, I've secretly kept them in my brain's storage. However, you do not like to share much and I still have a lot of storage space available. In a few days, many things packed my mind. It is starting to seem like a mountain full of dangers and almost impossible to even attempt climbing. Now, I am in such a dilemma and not know what to do. So, I decide to take up this 72 hours challenge. I was not confident and wanted to give myself 5days. Yet, I thought to myself, if things were to happen, it may even happen in a day. And if it's not going to, even 10 days or a month, nothing will come out of it. Therefore, on 23 Apr 16 at 2215, I have decided not to send you a single message for the next 72hours. At the same time, I would keep thinking of you and imagine that message coming from ...