
Showing posts from February, 2016

百行孝為先 Piety is the foundation of all virtues

24/02/16 :- 百行孝為先! Piety is the foundation of all virtues! 上風水八字課時,老師常告訴我們孝字如今的寫法已經不同了。 從前,都是孩子背著年老的父母親。 如今,孩子在上,父母親在下。 更遭的情況,父母還需要幫孩子背負照顧他們的孩子的責任。 漸漸地,我開始了解這一點。 三兄妹當中,老實說我絕對不是那個最孝順,更不是那個最乖巧最聰明的。 我很愛趴趴走,出國時也不太會想家,每天都只是執行任務似的報平安一次,之後就只顧自己玩個痛快! 但我都會盡全力給母親我能給的,有空時陪她吃吃飯,逛逛街,打打牌。 爺爺,奶奶,外公,外婆與父親都已不在人世,唯一能讓我們盡孝道的唯有母親。 所以,對她的孝道應該至少五倍! 家有一老,如有一寶。 家裡還有寶的朋友們,不要浪費時間,忽略那些永遠都會不顧一切愛我們的長輩。 我們自己或許還有好幾十年的時間,但是能夠與祖父母與父母相聚的時間一天比一天少。 不要讓自己的下半生有任何遺憾,時光流逝用再多的錢也買不回的。 The Chinese character for filial piety (孝) is made up of a kid (子) at the bottom and an elderly (老) on top. This means to say, as a child, we should shoulder our parents and take care of them. While attending my Fengshui classes, our teacher has mentioned to us that the Chinese character in modern world has changed. The kid is on top of the elderly and in certain worse cases, there is another kid (grandchild) on top. The poor folk has to take care of the grandchild for the child. As time ...

Are you an empty glass? 你是空杯嗎?

31/01/16 :- Always be an empty glass,never stop learning. 保持空杯子心態,歸零學習。 By pouring water into a glass full of water, it will simply overflow. Just like if your mind is full of your own perception and thinking it's the best, you are likely not to be receptive of other people's opinions. More often than not, we made mistakes thinking that we know it all. In life, there are many things to learn from everyone around us. If we can always remind ourselves to be like an empty glass, we are able to learn much more things. We should not have a closed mind, it does no harm to others but ourselves. It limits our improvement and growth as a person. Are you ready to empty your glass? 如果你持續將水倒入一個裝滿水的杯子,水就會溢出來。 犹如你的腦袋充滿了自己的想法並自以為那是最好的,往往你就無法接納別人的意見。 很多時候,我們都會患上大頭症,彷彿自己甚麼都知道。 但是,現實生活中,我們有很多事是可以向身邊的人學習的。 如果,我們可以時時提醒自己保持空杯子的心態,我們可以學習到更多。 封閉自己,對於別人毫無影響,卻讓自己損失很多。 這舉動阻止了自我的進步與個人成長。 你是否準備好倒空自己的杯子?