
Showing posts from 2016

Time is money! 時間就是金錢!

12/12/16 :-  Time is money! 時間就是金錢! Time is money, many of us have heard that at least once in our lifetime. However, how much do we really understand this simple sentence? We need to really monetize it. What does that mean? Imagine if every 15mins of your time is worth $1,000, then would you be doing the thing you are doing now? Would you be hitting the snooze button for 15mins or wake up 15mins earlier to exercise for a healthier body? Would you be wasting half an hour to watch Korean drama or read a book to increase your knowledge? Would you spend an hour time working overtime to fulfill someone else dreams or would you leave the office and spend an hour learning how to build your own dream? So, the next time you want to do something, think again. If 15mins of my time is worth $1,000, would I want to do the next thing I've planned to do? 時間就是金錢,我們很多人這一輩子都至少有聽過一次。 但是,我們到底有多少真正了解這句話的意思? 我們需要將它金錢化。 那又是甚麼意思呢? 想像自己的每15分鐘相等於 $1,000,那麼你是...

You are never ready for that heartbreak date... 你永遠不會為那突然的心碎紀念日做好準備。。。

28/11/16 :- You are never ready for that heartbreak date... 你永遠不會為那突然的心碎紀念日做好準備。。。 I am the old fashion man who is still used to having a physical organizer to mark all my dates, appointments and important stuff down. Heard from a speaker some time ago, "We marked all sort of dates on our organizer, but we can never predict that one day we would be marking down the death anniversary of someone we love." It pierces right through my heart. To make things worse, I was actually doing my 10km run in the stadium on that day. Tears were welling up in my eyes yet I have to force myself to finish the run. Why do I go back to our old house every year on this date? Though I know no matter how many years I go back, or what I do, it would never bring Grandma back to life; I cannot allow myself to miss this date. I know I can never repay the woman I love most in my life. Thus, I'm putting in double or even triple times more effort in building my business now to bring ...

離家,是為了回家。。。We left home seeking to return one day…

22/11/16 :- 離家,是為了回家。。。 We left home seeking to return one day… 今天聽了夥伴的夢想板,感觸良多。 加上回想起上個星期六,帶了母親一同去參加女神,董宥均的地方研討會,眼淚不禁在眼眶打滾。 当下,就想到這句話,“離家,是為了回家。。。” 有多少親人朋友從馬來西亞來到新加坡工作,為的就是能賺多一點錢拿回家讓家人過好日子。 但是,甚麼是好日子?錢,要賺多少才夠? 之前就看了一份報導,如果說你每三個月回家一次,假設你父母還有三十年與你一同共度,是否發現你只能多見他們120? 那么,在假設每一次回家三天,其實你剩下與他們相處的日子只剩360天,比一年還少! 我們很多人都很安逸,尤其是居住在新加坡的我們。 大多數人,從沒想過,有一天你的老闆可以毫無理由叫你馬上收拾走人。 試想,頓時你會變成怎麼樣? 是否,已經做好準備,有了備胎? 就算有的話,是否足夠? 沒有人想要失敗,但是卻有很多人不願付出努力去爭取自己想要的。 沒有一件事是容易的,但是你真的要沒有嗎? 如果,現在放棄了與家人的相處是為了將來所有的時間都能陪他們,你是否願意? 但是,以這些放棄的時間來打工,加班,光做一些沒有產值的事,到頭來很抱歉,你或許與家人的時間已到此為止。 當你父母離開後,若你也有自己的家庭,依然重複你這幾年在做的事,你只會得到同樣的結果。 每天都走同樣的路,永遠不能帶你到不同的地方。 在你離開的時候,你的孩子也即將重複你的一生。。。 今天的你,是否在為將來奮鬥,所做的一切是否能為你帶來財富,時間自由,健康的體魄來陪伴你的家人? 若還沒有,是時候好好深思這問題了。。。 我感恩自己已經做好準備並為母親與我未來的小家庭努力奮鬥。 家族翻身從小小的我開始。。。 Heard our partner shared her dream board today, emotions filled my heart. To add on, I have just brought my Mum along to attend my goddess, Stacy Tung's local seminar over the weekends, tears welled up i...

Project 1983 Eagle Ivan 與鷹艾文的83杯咖啡

Why did I started the Project 1983 Eagle Ivan project (IG : #project1983eagleivan)? Initially, it was purely a project inspired by a Taiwan friend. Her aim was to have 100 cups of coffee with 100 strangers. I tweeted my project a little by aiming for 83 cups of coffee with individual friends, both old and new. It was started without giving much thought to it and not knowing what to expect. I was not someone who was born sociable. In fact, I was even mild autistic when I was in Primary School. My teachers had a hard time making me open up. Thus, it was indeed a HUGE challenge for myself to do this project. However, as time goes by, more people got to know of my project and saw the photos I've posted on IG and Facebook, I received volunteers' requests. In the beginning, I was finding people to have coffee with. Ended up, I have more than I expect on the list. What have I gained or learnt from this experience? We humans are in fact, pretty lonely. Unless you...

The Tenants Downstairs - 樓下的房客

I have been Giddens Ko's fan for the longest time. Thus, when my friend, Taron strongly suggest that this movie is worth watching, I headed straight to Lido and bought a ticket after our dinner. I'm glad I make the decision to go ahead and watch this movie. This is truly a thought provoking movie. As expected, there was a twist to the story. Throughout the movie, the story line keeps you engaged. In your mind, you probably try to link and anticipate the next scene. Are we where we are because this is where we belong or we are blocked by our own deadlock? What is holding you back? Society? Fear? Self-doubt? Sometimes, you need to force yourself a little more, give yourself a little push. Of course, we do not need to do the extreme stuff as shown in the movie. This show is rated R21, contain sexual, homosexual and violence content. Thus it is not suitable for conservative and timid audience. 我早已是九把刀的書迷。 所以當朋友 - 達人強力推薦此片時,我馬上赴完約後就到電影院買了張戲票...

Do not let your convenience inconvenient others. 別讓自己的方便妨礙他人。

25/10/16 :- Do not let your convenience inconvenient others. 別讓自己的方便妨礙他人。 Everyone is in search of a convenient way to do things. I understand everyone has their preferred way of life as well. However, I believe that in living the way that you want, one should not cause unhappiness, discomfort or inconvenience to others around them. Age does not show your maturity. It is merely a number telling the world how long have you been living or wasting on Earth's resources. There would always be people around us who thinks the world evolved around them and do the slightest things without a little common sense. I hope my readers are none of theses selfish, foolish, childish people. 每個人都在尋找最方便的方式做事。 我也清楚地了解每個人都有自己選擇的生活方式。 但是,我也深信在過著你想要的生活的當兒,沒有人是應該把不快樂,不舒適或不方便帶給周遭的其他人。 年齡不代表你的成熟度。 那只不過意謂你利用或浪費了多少年的世界資源。 我們身邊難免有一些自我為中心的人,總是會毫無普通常識地進行一些簡單的事。 希望我的讀者都並非屬於那一群自私,愚蠢與幼稚的人們。

Pressure and Resistance - 壓力與阻力

壓力是推動力! Pressure motivates people! 阻力是爆發力! Resistance creates power! 19/08/16 :- 壓力是推動力, 阻力是爆發力! Pressure motivates people, resistance creates power! Do you work well under pressure? What do you do when you are faced with resistance? I used to be boiled down by pressure. In the past, with a little resistance, I tend to quit. However, due to experience and perhaps as age catches up, things are no longer the same for me now. Most importantly, I am currently hanging out with the right groups of positive people. With the awesome energy and right attitude, I move forward with direction. Though it may not be easy now, I know in time to come, all these is going to be worthwhile. What do you do when you get cold water splashed over you nearly every week or every now and then? Do you get discouraged or move on? You are the only person who can fight on for your own success. Similarly, you are the only one who can decide that you should fail. Do not let others de...

Train to Busan

Haven't done a movie review for the longest time. However, this movie brought about too much emotions not to blog about it. I think I have never or seldom give 5 stars for a movie too. In my opinion, this movie deserves the 5 star rating totally! Throughout the show, it keeps you excited. Feeling fearful for those wanting to stay alive. Makes you curse and swear at those who sacrifice others for the sake of their own survival. It makes one think, "If I was in their shoes, what would I have done?" Will I try to stay alive at all costs or would I sacrifice myself for my love one? Or would I stoop so low to make others die in order for me to survive? This movie brings you reality of humanity. If there's any movie you want to watch, it has got to be this! 好久沒有寫電影評論了。 但是,這部電影帶來了不少情緒,讓我不得不寫部落格。 我想我好像沒有或者很少給一部電影五顆星。 我的觀後感是,這部電影絕對值得給五顆星! 看著電影,沒有一刻能夠冷靜觀看。 你會為那些想生存的人提心吊膽。 同時也為不顧一切就為了自己能存活下來的人,對他們破口大罵。 它讓人反省,“我若是在他們的處境,我會怎麼做...

Whatever you do, it will eventually affect those around you - Choose wisely! 你所做的,終究會影響到身邊的人 - 謹慎地作選擇!

She has been the best supporter for 4 years. 她已當了我這 4 年來的最佳支持者。 31st July 2016 marks my 5th year in helping to raise funds and create awareness for the children at Children Cancer Foundation by taking part in Hair for Hope. However, my Mum has decided to join me for the first time! I'm truly so proud of her! Just last week, I had dinner and a heart to heart talk with my lyrics classmate, Christine aka Shang Rui. Few years back, she decided to come and work here in Singapore. Initially, her parents objected strongly. However, seeing the positive changes in her whole family ever since she came here, she never regretted making that decision. This was what she said, "I never expect the little decision which I made will affect my family members that much." She said something else which my idol, Stacy Tung has mentioned before too, "If by working harder, my parents/Mum can enjoy more and faster, I am willing to do just that." Coinciden...

Hebe - 日常

終於拿到 Hebe 的第四張專輯,又是來聽歌然後自己做專輯評論人,自己說給自己開心罷了。 以下評論純屬個人意見,不代表任何媒體機構的立場。 本人聽任何一張專輯的習慣就是先把專輯播放一遍,聽看看專輯裡收藏著甚麼類型與曲風的歌,再來看著歌詞本再聽一遍,最後插入耳機再看著歌詞本完整地聽多一遍。 以不同的方式聽同一張專輯,肯定有不一樣的感觸,不妨試一試。 一開始就以專輯名稱同名的《日常》開場,輕快的旋律讓人聽了就不禁開心起來。以一顆平常簡單的心看待這個世界,會看清人生的許多無常。值得一提的是作曲人是黃韻仁,我們本地的作曲人,同時是小寒老師的搭檔。 《人間煙火》續第一首歌的快節奏將聽者帶入高潮。形容一種看淡所有過眼雲煙的世俗。 巧妙運用了擬人法與疊字的《無用》慵懶中帶點神祕感。這首歌又再一次讓 Hebe 充分展現自己的歌唱實力。加上藍小邪的詞,還需要多說些甚麼嗎? 最吸引我的一句歌詞就是《身體都知道》裡的 "覺得苦 那就吃一顆糖 "。每個人都會累,不管你帶著甚麼光環,卸下了一切你也不過是個需要吃飯睡覺的普通人。 聽到這裡,早已被田馥甄的歌聲包圍在其中。《念念有詞》有種埃及女神在你耳邊唱歌的感覺,好像自己是條蛇,被舞蛇人操控著。 強而有力的聲音唱著《靈魂伴侶》把心碎帶到谷底。不知何故,腦海裡出現的畫面是 Hebe 在空蕩蕩的黑暗房間唱著歌,一盞燈打在她身上。 主打歌之一《餘波盪漾》,繼續讓心碎的人流淚,心情沸騰。 這個時候,在你以為就此消沉下去時,《什麼,哪裡》帶來了春天就快到的感覺,光明就在不遠處。 每張專輯不能少的一貫田氏風格的歌,《慢舞》給我一種熟悉又清新的感覺。歌曲裡的口琴聲也為整首歌帶來不少新鮮色彩。 好戲在後頭,這句話完全在這專輯裡被驗證,《獨善其身》簡直是聽到田馥甄的歌藝又再上一層樓,簡直是個完美的句點。

我們這一班 - 第19屆作詞班!

從第一節的押韻課到最後功課, 我們一同笑過的倒音,想像過的意境描寫與故事線,就連最枯燥乏味的版權課都讓我如此難忘。 至今,也無法將它拋出腦外的嘉年華功課,那首旋律依舊像枯藤纏繞著老樹一般將我緊緊捆住。還有那個最後功課的噠噠噠還烙印在腦海。。。 當然,也沒忘了小寒老師這幾個月每時每刻的提醒 - 歌名與佳句。 每個人報名這個基本作詞班的理由都不同,想要從中獲得的也大有不同,但是很確定的是我們都是熱愛文字者,也擁有對世界喊話或把周遭所聽所見的事轉換成歌詞的能力。 一開始在課室外的低頭族陌生人到無話不聊的第19屆詞鐵門,這是一條多麼奇妙的旅程。 每一種相遇都是命運的安排,我非常感謝命運讓我遇見了你們。 從大家的身上學到了許多,從不同的角度看待人事物。 星期六的下午,當大部分人都忙著逛街,吃飯看電影,我們這一群人正在前往上課的途中,期待每一次的相聚與學習。 每個星期五的晚上,當許多人盡情狂歡時,唯有我們都在拚了命地把抽屜裡的歌詞改了又改就為了趕在 2359 前發給老師。 寫作這條路並不容易,或許這一輩子也未必能賣出一首歌。 就算成功賣出後,也許也沒人知道你是哪根蔥。 歌手憑著歌曲得獎時,你或許連入圍最佳作詞人的機會也沒有。 但是,那真的重要嗎?辛苦就應該就此放棄嗎? 雖然,我也希望這一生能至少賣出一首歌,能讓世人聽到我的歌詞。 如果歌曲是被自己的偶像,潘美,田馥甄或叮噹唱到將是意外的收穫。 重點是熱愛文字的我們不能有停筆的那一天,唯有繼續寫作,你才有機會讓別人看到你的作品。 即使,你沒有想過賣歌,也不要停止,莫忘初衷。 要記得老師說過的,“忙不是不寫歌的理由。” 在此也要感謝我的好友,雪雲。 要不是她當初在臉書上與我分享這個課程,我就不會有榮幸與老師和同學們相遇。 再來,非常感恩小寒老師總是無私地分享自己的心得與教了我們那麼多寫作的提示。 希望,有一天我們這一班有人能夠以小詞鐵的身分站在舞台上領取最佳作詞人獎,讓其他人知道我們的存在。記得把祝君早安帶上台! 當然不能忘記一群讓我自己感覺好像剛從電影裡走出來的詞鐵門,讓我擁有在超過21天後也難以忘懷的一段回憶。我們之間的關係已衝到永遠都是朋友的階段,沒有任何的狠角色能夠來破壞。一二三,我們在灰姑娘面前勾勾手,誓言在這片寫作的幸福島嶼上不會只剩我一個。 (這段是...

鷹艾文 - 《談勢力的愛情》

《 談勢力的愛情 》 作词:林夕 作曲:黄韵玲 改編自林曉培 – 心動 改編詞 :  鷹艾文 你的一點一滴   我還放在心裡 安靜地躺在抽屜裡   是你送我的專輯 已發黃的日記   記載我們多少回憶 我偶爾在夜裡思念你   苦澀帶著甜蜜 談實力的愛情   太擁擠 儘管再努力   也住不進你心裡 哦 ~ 應該說對不起還是我愛你 見證你的婚禮默默祝福你   退回角落裡 含著淚離去   不等待著奇蹟 鐵了心忘記你   你的近況不再提起 因為我其實就像只螞蟻   存在 也没意义 已經嘗試好久,一直無法把這首歌寫完。 今晚,聽到自己的故事在 YES93.3 播出後,終於把詞給填完了。

献给代号 36 的心情抽屉

因为广播是 PG, 所以部分内容在 YES 93.3FM 被念出时是被删掉的,这我能理解。 在此,一字不漏地与大家分享我的心情小抽屉。。。 嘿陈宁, 你好,今晚扭开收音机,听到的前面两首歌就是你播了,周兴哲 - 想回到那一天,还有 MP - 我还是爱着你。 听了之后,感触良多。 两个多星期前,突然想到了自己的初恋情人,莫名有种想法闪过,“不知道,她结婚了没?” 结果,就手痒,点击她的脸书。。。 那晚,6月1日。 刚过去的周末,5月28日,代号 - 36 结婚去了。 分手后的我们,依然保持联络。 多年后的我们,也曾经两个人一同出国。 初恋在 16 岁,一个我还不是很懂女生的年龄。 做了很多蠢事,让她不开心。 一气之下,在冷战后的一个星期,我们分了手。 幸运的是,年轻的我们,吵了不久后,和好了。 虽然没有复合,但我们继续维持良好的友情。 22岁那年,我要求复合。 她,凭着自己的某种理由,婉拒了我。 当时的她说,“现在的我,对你也有好感,但是 xxx , 我们还是继续做朋友会好一点。。。" 也有用脸书与简讯继续联络,偶尔还是会约出去吃饭,看电影。 但是,我有个原则,她也晓得。 就是只要她一交了男朋友,我就会自动停止约她出去。 24岁那年,她结交了新男友。 从那时到现在 33岁的我们, 9年都不再约见面。 在街上,也只撞见她与她当时的男朋友一次。 但是,她在前方,并没有发觉我的存在。 曾经,我们在脸书上提到,如果任何一方先有喜讯,一定会通知彼此。 当我点击了她的脸书,看到了她的喜讯,在自己的脸书上分享了  田馥甄 - 这个人已经与我无关。 妹妹看到了后问我,”你难过吗?“ 我的回答是,“说真的,我是失望比难过多一点。不是说好还是朋友? 不是说过会告诉对方吗? 原来只是客套话。或许, 我们之间有过的回忆是她不想再记起的,我明白。但我不要求出席,只是没想过不被通知。” 为了她,我第一次把头发给剃光。 与她分手后的我,把右拳头的首两只关节骨以墙壁与灯柱打碎过,到了紧急部门包扎。 到现在,举重的东西时,还会有后遗症的痛。 也曾像看电视剧一样,对自己的肉体造成伤害。 还曾经像一个...

鹰艾文 - 《我一直都在》

Back dated : 15/08/2013 鹰艾文 - 《我一直都在》 Sing to the tune of 林俊杰 - 《无尽的思念 》 见面你问我的那句话 为何还是一个人 心里隐藏那句真心话 这一次再一次被吞没 生命的阳光 若隐又若现 从没想过它是为谁发着光 心痛望着你 开过几扇门 最后还是捡起失落掉眼泪 死心眼的你 不见眼前那道门 已经为你敞开多年等待着 见面你问我的那句话 为何还是一个人 心里隐藏那句真心话 这一次再一次被吞没 错过的时间不能再从来 多少的等待梦想才会实现 给我个机会 让我们尝试 就算失败了我们曾拥有过 我们是朋友 那句老旧的话语 是否能演变成不只是朋友 给我个机会 让我们尝试 就算失败了我们曾拥有过 我们是朋友 那句老旧的话语 是否能演变成不只是朋友 最终的结局是朋友或情人 我一直都在角落守护着你

鹰艾文 – 《爱虽一个字》

While preparing to submit my portfolio to NAC, I realized this song was not shared on my blog. Back date, this song was composed on 04/08/2013. 鹰艾文 – 《爱虽一个字》 爱虽一个字      牵扯着许多 兴奋致无法入睡 也会痛苦地失眠 像是颗灵丹神医 拥有了百病全无 失去了生不如死 一时为爱系上的结 用尽一生的情也解不开 你快乐时      我会为你开心 再把它交还给你      让你幸福加倍 你难过时      我的痛到极点 泪水倒流进心里      把爱全都淹没 爱你已不是秘密     疼你是戒不掉的习惯 无需完美的对待     只求真诚 地 相爱一回 你却不愿我等待     爱你从此不再说出口 因为只是个朋友 唯有尽力做好朋友的本分 你说的如此完美 叫我怎么能拒绝给予成全 当你决定离开的那一夜      我的爱情拼图被一刀划破 了解浪漫的爱情      只存活在童话故事里 随着故事的剧终      为你留下最后一滴泪 遗憾太多却来不及后悔      从此失去了梦想中的幸福

SAHM VS SAHP - Why choose one? 全職母親與全職雙親 - 為何就只能二選一?

We didn't have a lot of family photos together, not to mention a photo of only Dad and me. So, this photo just have to be re-used every time I blog about Dad. 我們沒有太多的全家福,更不用說我與父親的合照。 所以每當要提到父親時,就只能用這張照片。 15/05/16 :- SAHM VS SAHP - Why choose one? 全職母親與全職雙親 - 為何就只能二選一? (SAHM -Stay At Home Mum, SAHP - Stay At Home Parents) I've been wanting to blog about this for the longest time. Today seems to be a perfect day. Because, today is Papa's birthday. My Mum has been a SAHM for our earlier childhood lives. It was nice having her around at home. However, as we grow up, expenses increases but not Dad's salary. Mum has no choice but to re-enter the workforce. My relationship with Dad was not a pleasant one. He was a strict father and very obsessive. Not just towards Mum but us too. Due to the lack of security, he likes to ransack our stuff as well. Though I  may not be sure if he had been a SAHD or a SAHP, would things be better. However, from his ...

Happy Mothers' Day! 母親節快樂!

09/05/16 :- Mums who have lost their Mums need more love! 失去了母親的母親需要多一點愛! While we have the luxury to go home and whine to our Mums when we needed an outlet or just a comfy hug, who can they turn to when they needed someone? They have to be strong for us and appear strong on their own because they have lost one of their pillar in life. On this special day (of course on other days as well), I hope you would shower more love to them. At the same time, I know there are friends around me who have lost their Mums. My dear friends, look up to the sky. Why? A senior once told me, whenever you missed someone who have gone to heaven, look up to the sky, they are there watching over us. All you need is to feel them with your heart. 我們需要發洩或一個溫暖的抱抱,都可以跑回家找媽媽。 但是,母親呢? 她們需要一個人時,可以找誰? 為了我們,她們必須堅強。 也因為她們失去了人生其中一個柱子,外表需要故作堅強。 在這特別的一天 (當然別天也一樣),希望大家給予母親多一點愛。 同時,我知道周遭也有些朋友已失去了他們的母親。 朋友,抬頭看著天。 為甚麼? 因為,曾經有個學長告訴過我,每當你想念已移居天堂的人時,抬頭望著天,他們會在天上守護著我們。 你只需要用心地去感應。

Sometimes, you just need to hold onto that belief! 有時,你真的只需要持續相信!

02/05/16 :- Sometimes, you just need to hold onto that belief! 有時,你需要的就是持續相信! The law of attraction proves itself on the 8th day! I've given it a 3 days challenge. 3 days, 72 hours, 4,320 mins has passed. I was super disappointed when the message didn't came in before 2215 hours on Wednesday, 27th Apr 16. However, I didn't give up holding onto that thought that the message would come in. Imagine the joy which I could not contain when I received the message. =) Give universe time, place your order, imagine yourself receiving it and it would definitely come true. 吸引力法則在第八天實現了! 之前,我給了它3天的時限。 3天,72小時,4,320分鐘就這樣過去了。 在星期三,4月27日的 2215 小時,簡訊沒有來到,可想而知我有多失望。 但是,我沒有放棄繼續以念力想著簡訊終究會進來。 收到簡訊的那剎那,你是否想像得到我的喜悅?=) 給予宇宙時間,下訂單,想像自己接收到,它一定會實現!