Time is money! 時間就是金錢!

12/12/16 :- Time is money! 時間就是金錢! Time is money, many of us have heard that at least once in our lifetime. However, how much do we really understand this simple sentence? We need to really monetize it. What does that mean? Imagine if every 15mins of your time is worth $1,000, then would you be doing the thing you are doing now? Would you be hitting the snooze button for 15mins or wake up 15mins earlier to exercise for a healthier body? Would you be wasting half an hour to watch Korean drama or read a book to increase your knowledge? Would you spend an hour time working overtime to fulfill someone else dreams or would you leave the office and spend an hour learning how to build your own dream? So, the next time you want to do something, think again. If 15mins of my time is worth $1,000, would I want to do the next thing I've planned to do? 時間就是金錢,我們很多人這一輩子都至少有聽過一次。 但是,我們到底有多少真正了解這句話的意思? 我們需要將它金錢化。 那又是甚麼意思呢? 想像自己的每15分鐘相等於 $1,000,那麼你是...