10/09/15 :- Do our little part, it means a lot to them. 尽我们的一点本分,这对它们意义深重。 I am not a saint and I am yet to be called a GREEN Ambassador as much as I would want to. However, I try my best in ways that I can to educate and lead by example for people around me. Especially my love and close ones. It always pain my heart to see photos or hear news about the harm humans are doing to Mother Earth. I often see people wasting food during their everyday meals and at buffet. Over ordering of food at group gatherings, home parties, etc. Though I believe that anything that can be resolved by money is not an issue or a problem. There's a clause to this belief of mine. If you spend money to resolve something yet at the same time cause harm to someone or something else, that is a HUGE problem! A good example, the weather is hot, you spend money installing air-con at home. You are rich and you definitely can afford the increase in electricity bills. So, that ...