
Showing posts from April, 2015

Star Awards 2015

As age catches up and with the increase in commitments, I've not been watching as many TV shows as I used to. However, I'll still stay glued to the TV every year for this award ceremony. To me, recognition is important, we need to recognize people's efforts in way that we can. It doesn't necessary mean we should give rewards, presents and such. Just like in normal daily lives, we can be generous in giving compliments to people around us. Tell them they have done well when you feel they did. Sometimes, as humans and especially so, as Asians, we are not used to giving our compliments. It just have to start someday, somehow by some means, right? This year, I'm especially touched when I saw Pornsak receiving his first host award after being nominated for 5 years. He has always been a humble and hardworking chap. Finally, his hard work is being recognized and great efforts paid off. Seeing Rebecca Lim winning her Best Leading Actress aw...

Movies in Apr 2015!

Haven't catch a movie in the movie theater for some time.  Usually, I would buy a DVD home and watch with family as the cost of a movie ticket is really quite high. Because I am a BIG fan of fast cars and action movies, I've been chasing after Fast & Furious series. So, when this was released and most of those I've known around me have watched this and I'm just nice to be in the I need to be alone state of mood, I went ahead to watch this movie on my own. Well, it didn't disappoint me a single bit. Kept me on the edge of my chair and make my heart pump as fast as the speeding car. The only thing I can advise the rest who have not watched, "Stay till the end of the credits." I'm not sure what there is, cos I didn't stay. But my friends mentioned there's something special. Some take away lessons from the movies :- 1) Treasure those around you, they are what truly matter in life. 2) Big in size doesn't guaran...

My story - 我的心情小抽屉。。。

总算把心里的一个结打开,把心情抒发出来,也是对自己的释放。。。 把心情小故事寄到了 Y.E.S 93.3 FM 的心情小抽屉。 有谁也想分享自己的故事,可以电邮至 如果你错过了今晚的播出,以下是我的故事。 嗨陈宁,      一直都想把自己的故事写到心情小抽屉与听众分享,但却因为各种原因与藉口,迟迟没有这么做。那天,在其中一位我喜欢的作者,橘子的书,《你想要的,只是我的后悔吗?》里读到这么一段话,“我本来以为她哪天生病了,我根本会连理也不理她,就随便她去死好了,可是现在她真的生病了,我才。。。亲眼看着她那么病痛,原来心里还是会舍不得,毕竟再怎么样,她还是妈妈。”      阅读到这一段时,我眼睛湿湿的,我把小说关上,深呼吸着。我无法继续阅读下去,因为此时往事已涌现脑海。我想起离开人世已有10年的父亲。当年,我刚过21岁不久,也已经4年没有与父亲说话。至于,为什么,那是另一段很长的故事,或许需要下一封信才能把故事说完。      2004年,父亲被诊断出有鼻癌,是第二期。其实,只要定时化疗与服药,康复的机会还算蛮高的。可是,父亲的本性就比较悲观,加上得不到家人的扶持,他最后选择结束了自己的生命。          其实,年幼时,我和两个妹妹与父亲的感情还不是那么糟的。以前,我们还会替他庆生买生日礼物给他。但是,在成长过程中,我们的关系渐渐走下坡。父亲的学历不高,所以也一直很自卑。或许,也是因为如此,他并不了解如何与我们沟通。      而父亲的童年说起来也是挺可怜的;在自己只有几天大的时候,亲生母亲就过世了。在50年代的当时,无知的人们都说是父亲克死自己的母亲。可是,当我懂事时,听家里的长辈说,奶奶是因某些原因被爷爷间接逼死的。而爷爷在不久后也娶了我们的第二个奶奶,这是必要的,不然他一个人怎么抚养我父亲?      爷爷是个烂赌徒,经常流连地下赌场。输了钱,醉醺醺回到家后,就是向奶奶拿钱。奶奶为了留着钱给孩子买饭菜,经常备受爷爷的拳打脚踢。偶尔,父亲为了保护奶奶,也逃不过爷爷的拳头。 ...