Remembering Lee Kuan Yew : 16 Sep 1923 - 23 Mar 2015

23/03/15 :- In the morning, I switched on my radio as usual and heard the news that our founder, Mr Lee Kuan Yew has passed away at 3.18am. I could still hear my heart breaks. On the day I heard the saddening news, I've wanted to blog this entry. It took me almost a week to finally sit down to let the thoughts settle and allow my emotions to flow. 29/03/15 :- During these 7 days of nation mourning, there were countless articles and tributes written about and for Mr Lee. I nearly have the thought of giving up typing this blog entry as I felt that my words are not as well written as those professional writers. However, I've decided not to give myself an excuse not to express my gratitude towards the man who brought us to where we are today. I was never interested in nation news. I can't even name more than 10 of our ministers and their positions. But I know Lee Kuan Yew. Which Singaporean wouldn't? We have learnt a lot about our fo...