
Showing posts from 2015

Once you missed, it may be forever.

On the journey of life, there are some pit stops. Along the way, there might be beautiful scenery which we might have to miss. As much as we would like to keep them with us, they are gone the moment we passed them by. Just like sand in our hands, not all that we hold would be kept with us forever. In life, we gain some and lose some. When we alight at a stop to admire the beauty of the place, after some time, we might feel that there would be a better place elsewhere. That's when we decided to hop onto the next ride and head to somewhere else. There are chances where the next stop would be a better place. We might not have such luck at times. Perhaps, we never get to alight again or the place we were forced to drop off is somewhere we wished we never arrive. Life is a gamble which we are simply forced to place a bet. May the best hands win.

When in doubt, ask the person involved.

At some point In life, everyone of us would probably be the subject of a hot gossip or rumor. There is no way in controlling other people's mouths.  The only thing we probably can do is to remain calm and carry on with life. I have told one of my close cousins before, "無論別人怎麼說,只要你說沒有,我就相信妳。" And I did. Even when her mum doubted her, I put my trust in her. I believe trust from a close one is important. At the right time, all it takes is a simple sentence, "I trust you." There is no denial that a normal person might be angry or feel disappointed when he or she hears the rumor or gossip about them. This is part of human nature. To get angry is a moment of being crazy, be sure to bring yourself back on the right track. What if you were the one to hear the gossip about someone you know? I cannot say the same for everyone but for me, I would not spread the fake juicy news. If I want to know the truth for myself, I would rather app...

鹰艾文 - 《两只仓鼠》

鹰艾文 - 《两只仓鼠》 落单的两只仓鼠陪伴彼此左右 各自寻觅了数十年 日子随风而逝 破碎的心还剩多少 非要等到时间的尽头 才回首当初的不勇敢 还是放手一搏放胆说爱你 点击着陌生的档案 期待遇见下个对的人 却不曾睁开眼看眼前的人 如果就此错过 是否会有遗憾 黑与白之间微小的分界线 选择跨越或许就回不去了 多少的担忧抵挡不住 那份想呵护你的渴望 不知去向的时候 有谁能指引方向 带着烛光点亮失落的心灵 在破晓前 走出黑暗

My 12 weeks transformation diet! 我十二周的瘦身旅程!

Week 1 - Day 1 第一周,第一天 Week 4 - Day 28 第四周,第二十八天 Week 12 - Day 84 第十二周, 第八十四天 14/09/15 - 06/12/15 In a blink of an eye, 12 weeks passed by. Have I achieved my targeted weight? Not exactly, but it was a pleasant journey. Most importantly, from this program, we have learnt that weight is not a good measurement. Started off at 58.8kg and ended at 54.5kg, it was a total loss of 4.3kg. Vital measurement was 33", 37" and 36". Final measurement? 32", 32.5" and 33", total loss was 1", 4.5" and 3"! Isn't that great? Through this diet, munching on vegetables and making a healthier choice has become almost an instinct. Best part of this whole journey was not how much weight, fats and inches I lost. It is the bond I made with the group of participants who joined me along the way. Some were strangers to begin with. We were bound by a common goal - lose the extra fats and lead a healthier life! ...

Robert Kiyosaki LIVE in Singapore!

To achieve success, you must be willing to grow and change to become who you need to be. ~Robert Kiyosaki 为了取得成功,你必须愿意成长与改变,进而成为你需要成为的人。~罗伯特清崎 Went for Masters of Wealth seminar yesterday at RWS, Sentosa. I love seminars like these where you learn a great deal from most of the invited speakers. Here's sharing some of the important learning points I took back from the seminar :- Financial freedom is like a soccer game; play it as early as you can. Do not wait till you are 40 to start playing. The golden years where you are young and fast would have been over. It would then be a struggle for you to be financially free. PLAY FAST AND PLAY HARD before it's GAME OVER and the CHANCE IS OVER! Actions determine who you are and words describe who you want to be. Fear is a choice, we need to stay focused and stop procrastinating. If you have no money, you don't wait till you have money to take actions. That day would never come. Go out and take actions to earn your...

Dream it. Wish it. DO IT! 梦想,许愿,行动!

On Sunday, 18th Oct 2015, a day I would probably remember for the rest of my life. Mum has probably shed tears for me more than once. Most of the times, in the past, they were probably tears of sadness and disappointment. As I shared my dream board with my business partners and my family was invited as VIP, my mum's eyes were watery. I believe, she was touched to tears by what I've presented on that day. I do not wished to be saying them for fun only. Those are my dreams and goals I've set my mind on! They are tagged to a deadline and I want to achieve them by the targeted date. Allow me to summarize my dream board. In 3 years time, I want to retire my Mum by being able to provide her with $5,000 monthly allowance. In 2019, I would be the proud owner of a 5-room flat in Woodlands. By that time, I would be getting my Mum to stay with me and she can rent her current flat for more spare cash! When I turn 37, I'll be buying Mum her dream car...

Dreams will always be dreams till you make the 1st step out! 在你还没有踏出第一步时,梦想始终只是梦想!

Mr Lee Kuan Yew - “Follow the rainbow and ride on it!" Nearly 2 years back, I've a dream. I want to achieve my 6 packs and be my own boss. However, the downside is I have no idea how and perhaps not very determined and discipline in doing so. Finally, a GREAT chance finally arrived this year! An opportunity came knocking on the door and I opened the door to a wonderful world of people who are willing to help me succeed as long as I'm willing to put in efforts. Almost everyone has a dream, the sad thing is they give up easily by a little setback. It has happened to me as well. I've been there and done that. I'm glad I've finally see the light and know the way to keeping fit and at the same time work towards my goal of letting my Mum retire in comfort. It may sounds crazy to some, but in time to come, it will make total sense. The results would be solid proof to people who have failed to see the possibility. 李光耀 - 跟着彩虹,骑着它奔! 将近两年前,我有...


10/09/15 :- Do our little part, it means a lot to them. 尽我们的一点本分,这对它们意义深重。 I am not a saint and I am yet to be called a GREEN Ambassador as much as I would want to. However, I try my best in ways that I can to educate and lead by example for people around me. Especially my love and close ones. It always pain my heart to see photos or hear news about the harm humans are doing to Mother Earth. I often see people wasting food during their everyday meals and at buffet. Over ordering of food at group gatherings, home parties, etc. Though I believe that anything that can be resolved by money is not an issue or a problem. There's a clause to this belief of mine. If you spend money to resolve something yet at the same time cause harm to someone or something else, that is a HUGE problem! A good example, the weather is hot, you spend money installing air-con at home. You are rich and you definitely can afford the increase in electricity bills. So, that ...

Monster Hunt 《抓妖记》

My current fave character - Hu Ba (胡巴)! It'd been a long time since I last watched a movie and even longer since Ohana (just the 4 of us) went to the movies together. I picked Monster Hunt 《抓妖记》 as there were great reviews about it and I've been listening to the trailer on FM 93.3 before the show was released. No regrets in picking the movie. With eye pleasing human actors and actresses, the show deserves a pass already. Then you have the unbelievable cutie main character, Hu Ba who simply melt your heart with his eyes more than Shrek's Puss in Boots! It is definitely a show worth catching! Laughter and tears filled the theater. Not much cartoon / CG movies have touched my heart. This one does. The take away from this movie; with LOVE, nothing is impossible. The one after you may be the one whom you can trust in the end. Not much cinema are showing this movie already, so better catch it before it's over! I bet you would love the st...

The power of 1 minute! 一分钟的力量!

30/06/15 :- Never underestimate the power of 1 minute! 别忽视一分钟的力量! 1 minute is equivalent to 60 seconds. Yes, we all know that. Is it long or short? In the past, I would have replied with short as my answer. However, ever since I took up my current favorite sport, Dragonboat, I have a different understanding and meaning of 1 minute. Coach Kim has given us a circuit exercise which I've diligently been doing for the past 2 weeks. Front Planks - 1 minute Rest - 1 minute Left Planks - 1 minute Rest - 1 minute Right Planks  - 1 minute Rest - 1 minute Squats - 1 minute Rest - 1 minute Pushups x 40 Rest - 1 minute 45degree / 15degree leg lifts (hold) - 1 minute Rest - 1 minute Mountain Climbers x 20 Burpees x 20 Rest - 1 minute Repeat above 2 more times, meaning total of 3 sets. If you aren't the very fit type, that 1 minute could leave you out of breathe. And that 1 minute of rest would be so precious to you! We are currently training for our...

My Super Mum!

With my Super Mum! Most parents are the first superheros in their children's lives. My Mum is no exception. When I was very young, the most superhero stuff she does was to catch cockroaches for us. Especially those flying ones! To battle a cockroach, it takes a hero/heroine to do it. What's more, she does it with no weapon but bare hands. Not even tissue paper! Of cos, I admire her for more than just a cockroach eliminator. My Dad works as an aluminium foreman, earning a $1,600 per month salary. He is the sole breadwinner. However, Mum being the finance controller actually can do so many things with that $1,400 (after giving Dad a $200 pocket money each month)! We even get to eat Mac every Friday night! To most kids nowadays, Mac is like an everyday meal. Back then, many years ago, to us, it was a luxury! Only when you have been there and done that would you understand how it feels. Mum has her own set of upbringing and guidance for her k...

鹰艾文 – 《最称职的男性朋友》

06/05/15 鹰艾文 – 《最称职的男性朋友》 地球有几亿人口        偏偏爱上你   呵护你早已成了      戒不掉的习惯 没有理由的拒绝        是你给我的答案 百般的无可奈何        只能隐藏我心深处 多少年的风雨不改 为你带来生日惊喜 陪你喝酒到天明 心里的话都说尽 唯独那句我爱你 一切的暗示都被你的明示所淹没 牵挂与思念被冷冷地塞进抽屉里 遗憾       回荡在耳里        都显得刺耳 心酸       即无处哭诉        也按耐不住 不愿让你看见我的脆弱 再多的付出也是多余 最后的回报 是得到你发的好人卡 那一块到不了的爱情岛屿 留着地图还有什么用 越想拥有你就越害怕失去你 下定决心对自己承诺 这一辈子都会是你 最称职的男性朋友

Star Awards 2015

As age catches up and with the increase in commitments, I've not been watching as many TV shows as I used to. However, I'll still stay glued to the TV every year for this award ceremony. To me, recognition is important, we need to recognize people's efforts in way that we can. It doesn't necessary mean we should give rewards, presents and such. Just like in normal daily lives, we can be generous in giving compliments to people around us. Tell them they have done well when you feel they did. Sometimes, as humans and especially so, as Asians, we are not used to giving our compliments. It just have to start someday, somehow by some means, right? This year, I'm especially touched when I saw Pornsak receiving his first host award after being nominated for 5 years. He has always been a humble and hardworking chap. Finally, his hard work is being recognized and great efforts paid off. Seeing Rebecca Lim winning her Best Leading Actress aw...