念佛的意义?The meaning of Buddhism?

14/10/14 :- 念万句佛不如一句关心,天天拜佛不如日行一善,念佛拜佛不如身体力行。 Saying a word of concern beats chanting up to 10 thousand times, a good deed a day is better than praying to Buddha every day, showing through your actions far exceed your chanting and praying. (I've tried my best to do a translation for this, but it's more meaningful if you understand Mandarin.) 注 : 当然,我并非意味人们不该念佛与拜佛。我的外婆是虔诚的佛教徒,而我也相信佛学的好。不过,我的外婆也是以身作则的好榜样。 Important note : Of course, I don't mean one should not chant or pray to Buddha. My grandma is a devoted Buddhist and I believe the good in it. But she's also a living example of good actions. 常有人会说这句话,“读万卷书不如行万里路,行万里路不如阅人无数,阅人无数不如名师点悟”。 但今天,听到了一些故事让我自己想出自己的名言, “念万句佛不如一句关心,天天拜佛不如日行一善,念佛拜佛不如身体力行。” There is this saying, "Travelling ten thousand miles beats reading up to ten thousand books, understanding countless people is better than travelling ten thousand miles, being enlighten by one wise person far exceed understanding countless people...