15/06/14 :- He may not be perfect, but the best you could get! 他或许不完美, 却是你能够得到最好的! For 21 years of my life, I have never said, "I love you, Dad!" Almost 10 years have passed since you left us. Often, I would wonder how would life be if you are still around. I can imagine both of us still having quarrels every now and then. Your continuous nagging at things you feel I should/shouldn't be doing and I always choose to do the opposite way. I used to hate being your child even though I know you probably love me the most out of us 3. It is not easy being a Dad, not just for you. As kids, we tend to prefer Mums as their love were more direct and easier seen/felt. For guys, especially big guys like Dads, they expressed their love for their children in totally different ways from Mums. Sad to say, most often than not, these are not ways kids like or want to accept. Not that I'm saying love was expressed wrongly by Dads, just that it probably takes a ...