
Showing posts from April, 2014

Reflections 2014 - Week 17!

Fell from the home pull up bar on Thurs, 24th Apr 2014. Thinking back, the whole image was pretty funny. Imaging a giant having a great fall and the whole family rushed over to see what just happened. The fastest being the asthmatic Mum, trust the power of Mums siaz! Went to the doctor to have a check today. Luckily, no bones were broken. Only soft tissue injury. Because of the pain I'm feeling at the back, I have to walk slower. I'm usually a very fast walker. By slowing down, it allows me to take a closer look at my surrounding. People, building, scenery, you name it. Learning to relax and slow down the pace of life. Took the chance to settle some outstanding issues as well. Went to a few organisations to settle some stuff. I have got to say, today was a pleasant day. All the customer service officers who handles my cases today are all friendly. I have got to praise OCBC bank though. Not just today, but by far, among all the banks I've patronized for p...

Actions speak louder than word. 行动胜于言语。

26/04/14 :- Actions speak louder than word. 行动胜于言语。 How many times have you heard the senseless apology? How many times have you heard the empty promises? How many times have you heard the sentence, "Don't judge me?" yet the action already speak for itself? Countless times... So many more other examples of how one only know how to use words in his/her daily life painting the beautiful picture. There are only 24 hours a day, everyone of us has the same amount of time. This is a house, not a hotel. There is no point in saying how much you love and not doing anything. Save your words, they are worth nothing and are completely meaningless. Family is there for each other regardless of good or bad times. However, do not take advantages of family members' kindness. Do not make use of one's soft spot or their positive traits and turn them into weakness for you to utilize to the max. Apologize when you truly mean it and would really do something to chang...

鹰艾文 - 《下雨天》

鹰艾文 - 《下雨天》 忽然下起了雨 路人撑开了伞 有人忙着躲雨 我放慢了脚步 让雨水冲去想念 让心情能够沉淀 心里闪过一个念头 有种迷茫涌上心头 走在人生道路上 仿佛失去了方向 究竟该往何处去 向前行是否就能开得见希望 向后退一步天就会辽阔了吗 多少纠结捆绑了脆弱的心 放开了手唯恐心碎了无痕 少了泪水景物不再清晰 失去了你让心不再跳动 P/S : Sadness brings about inspiration. I have just heard a sad story of a close brother.  Just as I was leaving workplace for home, it started to drizzle.  I have my umbrella with me, but I choose not to use it.  Walking in the rain, ideas start flowing.  Within half an hour on the train, this new song was penned. I hope my brother would walk out of this situation soon. It's not easy, but we would be here for him in every step of his recovery.