
Showing posts from December, 2013

鹰艾文 – 《不属于》

鹰艾文 – 《 不属于》 当初的一见钟情 之后的无所不谈 每一份感动都深刻烙印在我心里 对人的诚恳是你朋友无数的理由 与你共处无需面具能够真心相对 像大雨过后的阳光 为我照耀一道彩虹 围绕在身边快乐就加倍 吐诉着心事总获得安慰 不如意之时也不忘鼓励 只可惜心动是条单行道 爱到一半 才惊觉我们走的是分岔路 渐行渐远 义无反顾地陪你继续走 心甘情愿当一世的朋友 牵不到的手我细心呵护 好让你能够将幸福握紧 你设的这份爱情试卷 我再重考几回也得不到满分 我们之间的大小事 不属于 你日记里 无条件付出的感情 不属于 你的心里 天长地久完美结局 不属于 我的故事 你的名字一辈子都 不属于 我的姓氏 将心冻结成冰 希望这份爱会永远保鲜 下一次的离开 记得将这颗心一同带走 为你爱到疯癫 封闭了自我该如何说爱 是否应该继续 就算最后依然毫无所获 事过境迁 许多人事已改变 唯一不变 是那被冻结的心 别来打扰 这安静的夜 别带遗憾 度过后半生

Hebe Tian - Insignificance 田馥甄 - 渺小

It had been a long time since I bought and review a CD. Finally Hebe has released her 3rd solo album. As usual, my 3 steps process of reviewing a CD was being carried out. First, play and listen to the whole album once to find out what kind of songs are being recorded in the CD. Second, listen to the songs and look through the lyrics together. Third, put on the ear piece / head set and feel the song. (Trust me on this, listening to the CD using speakers and ear piece is very different.) By the way, recently I read an article on "reviewing". Movie critics are usually the so-called professionals who DO NOT know how to even make/direct a movie. Why do we take them seriously? Similarly, I'm not an expert in singing. The only reason why I review all the CDs I've bought is to share  with my readers how I feel towards GOOD music. You need not take me seriously but you may just want to use my review as a reference. After listening to the CD for the first time,...