Out of the picture... 局外人...

24/03/13 :- Things might see clearer when you get out of the picture... 从局外看事情或许会比较清楚。。。 I do not deny I'm easily frustrated by certain things or people. My temper is not good but I try my best to hold it. As I grow slightly more mature watching the years go by, whenever I feel the anger/heat is coming, I would tell myself to step out of this whole situation to look at things. If I can successfully do just that, many times, I can cool down by myself. I would be able to make a better judgement and avoid disputes/arguments in that case. I hate to give explanations, so if in the 1st place, I avoid disputes/arguments, I do not need to be forced to explain anything. Though most of the times, I still choose not to explain. As much as I hate to give explanations, I hate to be misunderstood...