31/01/13 :- Stop pleasing others but YOURSELF! 别再讨好别人了,是时候讨好自己! In life, most of us spend a lot of our precious time trying to please everyone around us. We neglect the most important person in our lives - OURSELVES! Some of us, when we were young, we listen obediently to our parents and take up whatever lessons they planned for us, giving the best shot. In school, we strive to perform and excel in our studies so that teachers would be proud of us. At work, we do all we can to get into boss' good books or at least to pass a smooth day at work. In a relationship, we try to talk and behave in ways our partners want us to be. The list goes on and on and on. . . In this life journey, if we didn't put a stop to all these and wake up in time, we would soon lose ourselves. . . So, no matter which life stages you are at now, pause for a minute and think about your life. How long have you not do something for yourself? YOU deserve some ME time to YOURSELF! Don't ...