
Showing posts from January, 2013


31/01/13 :- Stop pleasing others but YOURSELF! 别再讨好别人了,是时候讨好自己! In life, most of us spend a lot of our precious time trying to please everyone around us. We neglect the most important person in our lives - OURSELVES! Some of us, when we were young, we listen obediently to our parents and take up whatever lessons they planned for us, giving the best shot. In school, we strive to perform and excel in our studies so that teachers would be proud of us. At work, we do all we can to get into boss' good books or at least to pass a smooth day at work. In a relationship, we try to talk and behave in ways our partners want us to be. The list goes on and on and on. . . In this life journey, if we didn't put a stop to all these and wake up in time, we would soon lose ourselves. . . So, no matter which life stages you are at now, pause for a minute and think about your life. How long have you not do something for yourself? YOU deserve some ME time to YOURSELF! Don't ...

Be Humble - 谦虚

30/01/13 :- There's always someone who is stronger than you, so learn to be humble! 总会有人比你强,要学会谦虚。 Never ever think you are in any way better than anyone else. In this world, there is something we are good at and things we would need to seek others help on. Do not be too proud to ask for help irregardless who the other party is. No one sets the rule that a father is not allowed to ask his son for help or a teacher can't ask his student question on things he is unsure of. We are not perfect and we can't possibly know all that is to be known in this universe. Just be a humble individual and the world would be a better place to live in! =)

Do you see the real you?

29/01/13:- Most of us look at our own reflection in the mirror at least once a day. How many of us actually see the real us? 大多数的人一天至少照一次镜子看看自己。 但又有多少人看见了真正的自己? There are all sorts of people in this world. At some point in life, we have images of how we look like. Perhaps some are exactly how we are like. Maybe some are how we wish we are like. Some of us short change ourselves while others think too highly of themselves. Have you look into the mirror at yourself today? If not, take a good hard look. Are you happy with what you think you see? I wish you find self acceptance of the real you and be happy with who you are. If there's anything you want to improve on yourself, may you succeed in doing so.