Subaru Challenge 2012!

27th Oct 2012 - Subaru Challenge 2012! I was glad I picked a number ball at 10am. An auspicious number as well. Both Juli and I got numbered balls & they were the car bonnet positions. I have pray for a bonnet position & I got my prayers answered! She was at car 6 while I was at car 4. We are given a 5mins break every 6hours. When I saw her leaving at the 3rd break at 7am, which was 18hours into the challenge, it got a bit difficult to force myself to stay on. At 20th hour & 22nd hour, I wanted to throw in the towel & just walk off. But I told myself to stay at least till 24th hour, our next break. And then, came Yasmine from Class 95.0, 1 of my fave DJs. She was my motivation and so I forced myself to keep my palm on the car. I must say when you have supporters/motivators around, you can push yourself a little more at times. I have seen it happens to my fellow contestants and me. The sun was burning hot for...