Hair For Hope 2012!
This is not the first time I shave off all my hair and go bald. However, it is the first time I lose my hair to show my support for the young warriors at Children's Cancer Foundation. A lot of my colleagues gladly donated and in 2 days, my pledge card is FULL! Of course, not forgetting my dear family & friends who donated generously. No matter the amount, it is the thoughts that count! A million thanks for bring HOPE to the children! =D Donation closes on 31st Aug 2012. So, you may still help to forward the link below to your friend! =P Mummy & KA who went all the way to support me for a less than 5 mins shave. They do turn up just for that moment! =) Thanks so much for always initiating the meetup even after you have left & supporting most of "our family's" events. All for a good cause! With the male & female mascots as well! Cute yah? Look, who else came? Baby Mck!! ...