I'm part of NDP 2012!

It is a 2 in 1 dream come true! In case you have not heard, I am 1 of the dragonboat rowers for NDP 2012 parade! v(^_^)o Well, I've always wanted to have a go at dragonboat. Since young, I love attending & watching NDP Parade every year. =P At the same time, I was secretly wishing I could be part of it. Tadah, this year, I managed to have 2 dreams coming true together! All thanks to CL for asking me if I wana join when she heard that they needed volunteers. She asked me coz she knows I love to be out in the sun & this is a WONDERFUL chance to do some rowing exercises plus free sun-tanning session! All my DB trainings are on Sat, that explains why I can't meet you folks on Sat all the way till NDP is over. If I'm lucky & your eyes are sharp enough, you might just see me on TV during the parade! haha *lol* Look out for the botak with an eagle tattoo! (Though there is a handful of botaks now already.) At the same time, do remember to support me in raisin...