Excellent service! =D

When was the last time you received good customer service? And if you do, what would you do? Would you compliment the service staff on the spot or write a compliment letter thereafter? Most of us will probably do nothing about it or maybe just tell a few close friends. Well, perhaps I was in need of some nice things myself or I was simply in a good mood. I wrote the first compliment letter of my life. Recently, I received excellent service & I told myself I really must get home & write a compliment letter for the staff. And below was what I sent to the management of my fave fast food outlet, McDonalds. =) I've always been ordering fries without salt from McDonalds. A big lover of Mac fries but not a fan of salty stuff. On 15th Nov 2011, around 9 - 10pm, I ordered a small coke light without ice & medium fries without salt (as usual) at the McDonalds opposite Yew Tee Point/MRT. As I stood there waiting for my fries, I was observing the staff at work. Well,...