Mini b'day celebration for Sherlina's 3rd + Sherlyn's 1st!

Aunt Stace, Cyn & Uncle Ivan met up at Civic Mac to have a mini celebration for Sherlina & Sherlyn's b'days on 23rd Jan!! Coz Mummy Lyn was too lazy didn't managed to book a chalet for their b'days celebration. Thanks Aunt Stace for buying the cute cake! =D The b'day girls & their Mummy! P/S : Mummy Lyn, pls eat more while u feed ur kids more as well. My friends said "The mummy is SO SKINNY!!!" Our b'day girl sang b'day songs of 4 languages; English, Mandarin, Malay & Korean for herself! Show her a b'day cake & she would sing for u! =D She LOVES cakes alot! Just check out her messy face!! =P The full of expression BB Sherlyn! She's just like a koala bear, always clinging to her Mummy. She cried so badly when Mummy Lyn left her under Uncle Ivan's charge coz Mummy needs to bring Sherlina for her shower. After breakfast & cake cutting, Aunt Stace went home to "keep"(收) [she wanted to say 收拾(tidy)] her hou...