Sharing my logcake recipe!

Christmas is coming & it's all about sharing! So, here's your friendly blog owner, Eagle Ivan sharing the recipe I used for making my log cake! This is the rainbow rice log cake I made according to Little Sherlina's request & at the same time serves as a birthday cake for Rochelle. Click on the photo above for the recipe which I followed through. Tips :- 1) Watch the videos at least afew times till you understand what to do. 2) Take down any necessary info which you deem important while watching. 3) In case you missed it; if you can't catch up with what the baker is saying, scroll down the page, there's video transcript of what was said in the video. 4) As for the filling, I would suggest you get it ready the day before you want to bake your cake. Store in the fridge to chill NOT freeze. 5) After you've let the sponge cake cool down for around 5 mins when removed from the oven, roll it with kitchen towel to continue cooling. *If it's cooled for too l...