SL's 21st B'day!

Yes, another outdated post. =P Sing Lin celebrated her 21st b'day on 28th Mar 2009. Coz I won't be ard on her actual day(05th Apr 2009), so she pushed fwd partly for me! Heez =P Becoz of that... I noe I'll hafta give her the "BEST" treatment!! Brewing "GOOD" stuff for her! Highlight ingredient for the night ahead! With her cuzzies aka ka cheng! "Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday!" With her paternal relatives! =) With beloved Gpa!! And the maternal side! Before her SPECIAL treatment! They were supposed to drink the mixture the other party prepared shld they lose out in finding the items we want. But being the nice friend she is, she kept saying/pleading, "Pls, I rather u pour it on me!" So, we GRANT her the wish!! But she get to have her share of fun too! v(^_^)o The Milk-Man! After the final treatment! (^^,) Time for a wash-up!! =P