
Showing posts from January, 2007

When Mr Right comes at the wrong time

4th article from Janice Wong's book - SPG: Single Picky Girl Sometimes, timing rather than love decides who we end up being with -- or without. Only some lucky people marry the loves of their lives. The rest marry the most suitable person who comes along when they are ready to settle down. A friend in his 20s came to this conclusion after confiding in me that he had recently met a woman who is more attractive than his wife, and occupies his thoughts more often than his thoughts than his wife does. 'If only I had met her before I got married,' he said wistfully. But I think even if the love of one's life appears when one is single, one may not be in the right frame of mind to recognise him or her as such. And then love passes by. Life is littered with near misses and lost opportunities. I attended my ex-boyfriend's wedding last month, which triggered many memories. We met five years ago when I was 23 and he 31. It was love at first sight. He had an establised career,...


愿你在天堂做个美丽快乐的天使! 应该有不少人得知许玮伦过世的消息。今早听到新闻时,泪水不由自主地落下。我与她非亲非故,也并非她的粉丝,但依然为她的离去感到悲伤万分。毕竟她只不过28岁,原本有着大好前途,还有很长的路要走,却因一场车祸而告别人间。或许上天有更好的安排在等着她吧,就让我们为娱乐圈的阳光才女默哀一分钟。

Want work? Work on it

Presenting to u the 3rd article from Janice Wong's book, SPG - Single Picky Girl. It's that time of the year again when schools release fresh graduates by the truck load into the real world. Yesterday, I met a former journalism intern who visited the newsroom and despaired upon hearing that there were no job openings. Good winds may be filing the sails of the economy, but finding a job is still not a breeze, especially for those hoping to enter a field distinctly different from what they studied. I don't pretend to have all the answers or the authority to give advice. I just hope sharing my experience would draw a more realistic picture of what starting a career involves. When I graduated, I was lucky enough to be recruited immediately by Singapore Press Holdings as a management trainee. Later, I left to become an air stewardess. In late 2001, a period worse than now because of the terrorist attacks on Sept 11, it became increasingly clear to me that I wanted to be a journa...

Friends are not like hotels...

2nd article from Janice Wong's book - SPG: Single Picky Girl She used to be my classmate. We shared the same hobbies, borrowed each other's lecture notes and had long telephone conversations. All that changed when she had a boyfriend. She would cancel our appointments whenever he asked her out. The first time it happened, I shrugged it off and even squealed in excitement for her. The second time it happened, I was annoyed but only remarked casually that I seemed to be on her B-list of friends. The third time it happened, I swore never to ask her out again. She did not make amends. I guess the growing distance between friends can't be felt when one seems joined at the hip with one's partner and have him as a companion for all of one's activities. Then, they broke up. She called me in tears at midnight and I consoled her. All was forgiven. It felt good to put aside petty misgivings and stand steadfastly by a friend in times of adversity . Isn't that what friends a...

SPG - Single Picky Girl

My god-ma just lend me an interesting book - SPG by Janice Wong. Maybe some of you would have heard and read that book coz it was published in 2005. Anyway, Janice Wong was a journalist with Streats and The Straits Times who writes with the courage of her conviction, in a style that is simple, clear and engaging. I find her collection of columns in this book very meaningful, and decided to share with my readers 1 article of her each day. Don't Measure Love "Make sure you marry someone who loves you more than you love him", my newly divorced male friend said as I surveyed the sushi conveyor belt. He spoke in that kind of superior tone people use when they think they are wiser. His advice is as fresh as the unpalatable salmon sashimi that was doing its rounds. And I have heard the same advice from my mother countless times. This is how it works: Your husband worships the ground you walk on. You are only mildly fond of him. He wants you more, so he tries harder. He wouldn...

梁咏琪 - 搬家

This song is so lively & I can't help but wana share wif every1 out there! 是真的很想换个房间 充满西晒的阳光温暖心扉 我寻寻觅觅已经很累 有没有能让人幸福的风水 有谁能给我温柔和体贴 能让爱安居乐业 我望着你的双眼 再次相信直觉 打包好我的行李告别从前 搬家到你的心里住个几年 美丽的承诺需要亲身体验 不在乎多花一些时间 静静感觉日子是否越来越甜 搬家到你的心里住到永远 希望你通过爱的所有考验 那就能一辈子牵着手 留在这个小小世界 定居下来不再走远

1 off the shelf...

Went to attend Lyn's Wedding Lunch. 1 of 5G1U got married. Was quite shocked when she first told me mths ago. But now, feel happy for her that she's starting a family. Hey! Didn't get to wish you earlier on..May you have a blissful life with him & have happiness from this moment onwards! 相见容易相处难,学着容忍,一切都没问题!You have emarked on a new journey in life, enjoy the process! Here's the group photo after so long since N years ago..haha B4 HZ came.. Our usual late-comer arrives..haha Took this photo N years ago... The individual takes photo with our dear bride... 情敌与新娘 旧爱与新娘 新欢与新娘 情妇与新娘 My dear & I "嫁女儿"...haha =)

B.L.I.S.S - Being Loved Is So Sweet!

"B.L.I.S.S - Being Loved Is So Sweet!" Dear, I LOVE YOU!

Thx dear for the effort!

My sweetest dear put in alot of effort preparing our 10th mth anniversary gift. A simple & sweet yet tedious gift. Knowing how much I love Sudoku, my dear went to draw the Sudoku grid on a notepad. Then she went online to copy the puzzles 1 by 1. On top of that, she carefully measure all boxes to make sure they are of the same dimensions. I totally love it! *muacks* Thanks so much for all the effort put in! I LOVE YOU! Hope you like my little surprises too! heez >.

Happy 10th Mth!

Yes! We're celebrating our 10th mth anniversary! No special programs, just gona do some shopping for CNY clothes. And I have prepare little gifts for dear. Just in case she reads this before she go to work, I'm not gona reveal anything. All I can say is I am sure she'll love them & be surprised. On top of that, I hope she will be able to surprise me successfully tml. (coz she finds it so hard to do so when I can guess her gifts most of the times) But dear, when I say I like them all, I mean it. =) And most impt of all, I LOVE YOU! (^^.) On a separate note... I wish someone would show us how mature she is not just by telling the whole world she is, but prove with her actions. Words are just noise pollution when u can't do it! I think no ones likes people who... 1) think they're irreplaceable.. 2) is a NATO (No Actions Talk Only).. 3) never hold responsiblities for what they did.. 4) finding all sort of excuses to push blame to others but never oneself.. 5) can...


在广播中听到了个廷有意义的文章,在此与你们分享。 一个100%好的人,但对你的付出仅有20-40%与一个或许只有70%好的人但对你却是百分百的付出,你会选择哪一个?很多人对于理想情人都存有一定的好条件,但或许我们真正应该考量的是对方到底对我们有多好。同时很多人也忽视了在考虑终生伴侣时应该问的不是你有多爱她/他,而是对方有多爱你? 许多男女都会说,“我不是世上最好的男人/女人,但我一定是最爱你的!”可是,他/她又真的是如此吗?很多时候,行动胜于言语,而一颗真诚的心也需要我们用心才能感受到。 人生最幸福的当然是遇到一个100%好的人愿意100%地为你付出。如果真的遇上,请一定要好好地把握并给予同等的对待! 愿天下有情人终成眷属!


一路的曲曲折折 现在都已不重要 别人再多的否定 被我们的爱推翻 他们说我们倔强 但我们爱的坚定 有朋友依然幸福 朋友祝福暖心怀 感谢你们的陪伴 给以我们俩力量 捡起放不下的爱 让爱旅程能延续

Is that the real me?

You are The Devil Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition. Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really "Satan" at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only be...

The day she walked away...

The end was near... My heart felt the pain... I told myself to be strong... I thought I would be okay... Till the very last day... I was hoping for a miracle... Somehow I didn't get what I hoped for... It hurts to the core yet I hid my tears away... People around us said... You are two silly persons... Breaking up when love is at the peak... Causing hurt to the person you love most... What they do not know... Love is not as simple as they thought... And time don't heal, it merely numb the pain... No one understand the feeling of having no choice at all...