
Showing posts from February, 2006


别人的是与非 我已听了好多遍 每次都让我痛哭流涕 从没人真正了解我对你的爱 就连你也有点迟疑 开始怀疑彼此作的决定 到底该继续还是就此放弃 我不想再思量了 如果理智已赶上 心也好累了 那你就松开我的手 放我在海上漂浮 任由海浪带我四处去 太平洋也好 大西洋也罢 没有了你 到哪里也无所谓 但请你记得 就算到了天涯海角 我的心只有你 这辈子只想爱你一个 我会守着承诺 让它有天能兑现 让我再次说声 我爱你

李圣杰 - 远走高飞

爱你错了吗 为什么会受到这么多惩罚 他们说的话像针往心里扎 我心中的怕不知该怎么做才可以放下 只不过想好好的爱一次啊 带我远走高飞 不去理会 这一个蜚短流场的世界佈滿虚伪 是你让我选择沉醉 繁星守候月不能睡 只因为爱上了 夜的黑 帶我远走高飛 一起去追 有一个叫做幸福的世界沒有淚水 我已经感觉到疲累 只想在你怀抱入睡 不在乎別人眼中是非 从新再出發 能不能让这天地不再吵杂 我的心里面 安静得不像话 故事的真假 沒有多余的力气去分辨它 只不过想好好的愛一次啊

光良 - 约定

说好的三年不见面用我们的爱把时间留住 你笑着说这是我们的考验我们的约定 *就这样三年又过了我还是回到这个地方 闭上眼等你的出现空气中吻你的脸 我还记得我们的约定 一辈子幸福的约定 为你写的那首歌 他也偷偷的掉泪了 我还记得我们的约定 我比以前还更爱你了 连那风都笑我了 我想他会告诉你的我更爱你了* * 你会记得我们的约定 一辈子幸福的约定 为你写的那首歌 他也偷偷的掉泪了 你会记得我们的约定 我比以前还更爱你了 听着风我也笑了 他一定会告诉你的我更爱你了


We had been running away frm the problems. We knew it was coming. We choose to avoid it. Finally, we talked abt it once again. Bt tis time wif a different perspective & arrived to anor conclusion. 31st Dec 2006 - Wld it be the end of a r/s or the start of a waiting period for true love to blossom in 7 yrs time? 7 yrs, alot of things wld happen & change. on 13th March 2013, wat would had become of u & me? No1 noes. We made a promise to each other to keep the faith going. I'd alwiz trust u. So tis time round I would still continue to hold u to the promise, to every exact words u said, "if when I am 31, I am still single and i still have feeling with u and u still love me, i promise to be with u" In return, I promise to live my life well even after we're back to being just friends. Bt on top of tt, I want u 2 noe, I wld still continue 2 love u wif each passing day. Counting dw to the day u'll be mine once again. Or mb bury my love when 1 day u stepped on ...

A day at Sentosa!

Went Sentosa Palawan Beach wif dear. Had fun taking photos, suntanning & playing in the sea. 'Forced' my dear to buy bikini. Nice nice hor?


What shld I do? What shld she do? What shall we do? Lost, lost, lost..I haf no idea at all. All I want is 2b wif her & bring her so many factors seem to be affecting us. I feel that her frenz seem to dislike me ever since we became v.close. And now, 1 of her relatives saw us 2gether. They confronted her. Though she denied, it triggers our worries. We talked, we thought, we cried..We're worried. I duno wat to do abt tis. I duno hw to react or ans her doubts & uncertainties. But dear, u're nt being selfish. Choosing to give up if 1 day ur parents found out is a decision most gers wld do. I wld nt hold it against u. Rite frm the start, we knew tis day wld come. To others, those logical ones, we shld haf prevent this thing frm even starting. Bt feelings are sth we haf no ctrl over. Or mb, we stubbornly refuse to heed our frenz's advice and continue to take on the wrong path. In the end, the hurt we get is going to be v.great. We may get bruises all over ou...


Coz I said I've nv went 滨海湾 b4, my dear gal brought me dere. Well, it was like any other pasar malam actually. The only differences were there're fortunes of all the 12 zodiacs, a very tall God of Fortune to scatter gold dust on u and beautiful fireworks!! The fireworks were great and having gold dust falling on u is kind of fun. Yeah! U didn't catch me wrong. Every1 else was busy catching the gold dust wif umbrellas & caps. But I didn't do anything beside standing dere like a block of wood and I got them all on my popcupine hair. haha (".) Anyway, as fate has a plan for every1. We came upon this fortune teller who offered to give us some words of advice. We had our fortune being told b4 we even noe anything. I was told that my major crisis in life would be at my lunar age of 29. She said I would have a 血光之灾. And if only I can make it thru that, my luck would start to take a much better turn from dere. To some, it's mere supertitious. But my gal & I wo...