
Showing posts from 2006

Gpa's B'day! (25/12/2006)

On Christmas Day itself, we celebrated Gpa's B'day in advance. This is the feast we had! Yummy! While waiting for the cake 2b cut... Photographer Qi said we looks cute in this photo. =) My gpa doing a cute pose! haha The wonderful grandchildren with their loving gpa! Gpa with his fun-loving grown up kids! haha The grand-daughter who loves gpa most! Looks at what she has done! The yummy D24 cake ended up like this. It was yummilicious! Sedap! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GPA! MAY YOU LIVE TO A RIPE OLD AGE TO SEE YOUR GREAT GRANDCHILDREN!! WE LOVE YOU!!!

Christmas BBQ 2006! (24/12/2006)

Presenting to you the best food of the night! My fave honeydew sago made by Qiqi! And here's our fire starter cum cook of the night! My small aunt! My Christmas tattoo drew by dear. Nice? The nice log cake cum b'day cake sponsored by Mum! My Christmas Cousin, Ruiwen and Christmas Eve Cousin, Deron! The hunks piggy-backing the babes! haha (".) The cousins present! Another photo - It looked so packed. B'coz..... Tada! With their partners! *blows* *blows* *blows* Presenting the presents! At the struck of 12am! Merry Christmas!!! Now clean up your own mess... The game that last us to 1.30am...*yawns* But it's very FUN! (Coz I'm the winner!) Thx to my 2 dearest sisters for the efforts put in! Look at small aunt! My mum & cousin stepped on No. 38 - International Women's Day and they have to kiss a woman! Both choose to kiss their wonderful sister & mother! haha =) After the game, we had our gift exchange! We had a MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS! Hope everyone else...

9th Mth anniversary at Pasir Ris NTUC Chalet! (13/12/2006)

1 of dear's wish is to book a chalet & here I am fulfilling another of her wish. Celebrated our last & 9th mth at Paris Ris NTU Chalet. We had gifts exchange! And coincidentally, we made yellow anniversaries cards for each other! Heez >. I won the colorful bear & the orange bear was won by dear. We gave that orange bear to Qiqi. Coz poor her is all alone @ hm. Shannon & I were both at chalets. Shannon's over @ her class chalet. As it didn't stop raining, we left Escape and went Ikea @ Tampines for dinner! Dear's been wanting to bring me there to try the chicken wings. We had spaghetti, curry chicken rice, chicken wings & meatballs! Hmm, the spaghetti was nt as good as wat I cook, the chicken is nt tender enough, chicky was nt as fantastic as I haf thought and the meatballs were salty! haha =) Bt overall, I still enjoyed the dinner with dear. As long as I'm with her, nth else matters. Then we rushed back to watch Superstar 2! It's the 2nd ...

Updating soon!

I noe it had been a long time since I last update. I hope to be doing it soon. I wana share wif u guys all those wonderful photos I took. At the chalet wif my dear celebrating our 9th mth anniversary. Dear Princess Qi was the VIP guest for our BBQ. Then there was the family BBQ on Christmas Eve and celebrating Gpa's b'day on Christmas Day itself. So come back soon for these updates. hehe (".) Contract is coming to an end soon..Will it be renewed? Will it just end there and then? I have no idea..I'm just keeping my fingers crossed..Hoping for the best & preparing for the worst.. I may be sad, but I'll be fine..

I am a Cheer Bear!


1 week leave!

Yeah! v(^_^)o Tml I'm going chalet with my dear, just the 2 of us! Fulfilling another wish on her wish list. With that, bringing her to Zouk would be the final wish left 2b fulfilled. (^^.) May we enjoy our 3 days 2 nites vacation! Right after that, I would be going back M'sia with my cousin, xiong. Gma's anniversary is coming, so without fail, we're going back to pay respects to her. She's our beloved gma who dotes on us so much when she was around. She placed us all before herself, only giving her best in providing us the love, care & concern we grand-children needed. By going back every year at this time is the only thing I can ever do for her now. 外婆,我真的好想你!多么希望你还在,带着微笑迎接我们回家,露出不舍挥别我们。无论你在哪里,请你要珍重!

Sweety - 爱是怎么一回事

As I have said b4, sad songs touch people's hearts best...This is a nice song that touches my heart.. 是哪一颗星星 掌管爱情的事 往哪个方向指 爱才能真实 你最近的样子 总是很多心事 你的爱就像是 一个没说完的句子 没有人不会变 我已经懂事 但是请你 真心的爱我一次 两个人的世界 原来不是那样子 爱这一次 就可以解释 最后爱情是怎么一回事 两个爱过的人变得 不认识 谁来急救 没有感觉的彼此 我在你的心中 没有了位子 到底爱情是怎么一回事 太多的故事 结局都是如此 在每一个 没有星星的日子 往哪里指 都是你影子

Sheila - Our Superstar Forever!!

Those of you who have watched the results show, you have known. Yes, Sheila has been eliminated. Though she MAY never have the chance to stand on Superstar stage again, she WOULD alwiz be our Superstar! v(^^.)o If there is a revival round, I wish she can train harder & show her worth! 让其他人大跌眼镜! Don't worry, be HAPPY! (>. Sheila had shown her strong side on TV. Emotions well kept & tears were not dropped. The marks she attained yesterday maybe the same as her 1st round, but her tremendous improvement, we have seen it all! This journey has not ended but juz started for her. May she enjoy her bright future! 千瑜,你还年轻,那就是本钱。要走的路还长,有无数的梦想等待你去实现,一定要继续加油再加油!

Best of Luck to Sheila 欧千瑜!

Contestants sang their songs, voters casted their votes. Tml will be the results. Alot of bad comments were being seen on her page. Dear was greatly affected to the extend that even she feels it would be better if our Superstar, Sheila is out. Defintely nt because dear feels that her own cousin is nt up to it. Bt my poor dear is so upset by those -ve comments, she thinks if Sheila gt eliminated, at least the hurtful remarks wld ceased. I don't want dear 2b sad & neither do I want Sheila 2b out. Sheila may nt be the best as I have said b4, bt frm her performance 2day, we can all see that she's trying hard to improve & she certainly did improved! (".) Now, let's juz crossed our fingers that Sheila would make it to the Top 8! Go Go 加油!

Some thoughts that passed by...

I was browsing thru friendster due to my over-whelming boredom... And I came across her profile.. My heart feels weird.. I had been a jerk... Shattered her heart into a million pieces by sending her to hell after I brought her up to heaven.. It was the greatest fall anyone can get.. Sorries can never be enough to mend the pain she felt.. Common friends told me that it seems that she is still struggling to pick herself up, trying to forget me - the worst jerk on this planet Earth.. They commented that she couldn't let go but felt hopeless over LOVE & relationship.. There's nothing more I could do or say.. All I hope is that if she ever reads my blog & I know she defintely knows it's her I'm referring.. I am sorry to cause so much hurt to you.. Please find the courage to continue believing there's true love.. May you find the right person to build an ever lasting relationship with you.. Pray that he loves you more than you love him so that you would never get ...

Thank You for the Votes!

She may not be the best but she had ur support! For those who called, truly appreciate your every call to let her stay. She still has alot to improve on her singing bt I'm sure being able to stay on, she wld nt disappoint her fans! Sheila wld defintely prove to the audience her worth. You have voted and made her fate. This coming Wednesday, she wld be performing with the best she could give. Let us give her our full support once more! Pls call 1900-112-1004 or SMS F4 to 71199 on 6th Dec 2006 ! Sheila, go all the way! Rocks the stage! P/S: There's alot of bad comments or even insults made @ her. We shld juz take in constructive feedback and not those that are out juz to make u feel lousy. 一种米养百种人. In this world, there's simply too much ppl wif low self-confidence who wants to speak ill of others to boast their own ego. They failed to realize it would only make them seem more like losers. What goes round comes around. By nt being affected by the cruel words loser said wld ...


Pulling the last votes for F5 - Sheila 欧千瑜! Pls call at least once! May she not be the 1st two 2b out!! (^^.) Pls call 1900-112-1005 or sms F5 to 71199 ! The lines would be close at 11pm 2nite. Thanks a million! (".)

Birthdays of the 'twins'!

We were at ChongQing Steamboat to celebrate the twins' birthdays! And look who were there. 我的美人s = Watermelons! As usual, ke_ai unites with 1 absentee. Presenting Minnie Mouse of Year 2006! Minnie Mouse with her Disneyland! Everyone Loves Minnie Mouse! Concentrating on unwrapping her b'day prez. And... After layers & layers of 我报... Her present! And it's 1 of her wish list, Anna Sui Dolly Girl On The Beach perfume!

Little Princess & Little Genius' Birthdays!

15th Nov 2006 - Dear and I had a mini celebrations for our dearest sisters! Let's see what did our Famous Chef, Ivan prepared for the night. Yeah! There were baked beans, garlic bread, chicken & mushroom soup, cheesy hotdogs, fish & chicken filets! Yummy! This is Ivan the Chef! Of coz we didn't forget abt the cake. Surprise! Just like Princess Qi put it, the twins who were born 367 days apart. Group photo of the night! Making their wishes! Presenting the gifts! A close-up. Giving their thanks! =)